Monday, February 1, 2010

French with Fabricant


I distinctly remember my first day in French class.

I walked into Dartmouth Hall, ready to be dazzled, and sat myself down in a desk in what seemed like a traditional classroom. What I came to learn was that what was taught in this particular classroom wasn't taught in a traditional manner.

I had always had a great desire to learn French-- and had never done so during my high school years, and so I knew with a 100% certainty that I was going to take French in Dartmouth. In my French 1 class, from day one, my professor, Madame Fabricant told us that she would talk only in French during our class. Needless to say, I was a little dumbstruck. Not worried (yet), but I knew that this was something that I had to look forward to.

My first term of French at Dartmouth was difficult, I will not lie. I was the only person in my French class who hadn't taken a single class of French, and that put me at a great disadvantage. But I worked, and I worked, and I worked. And now, my second term into French, I enjoy it greatly. I still have Madame Fabricant, who in her own way, demands only excellence. She is particular about accents, and pronunciation, and randomly calls on students in class.

When I don't understand concepts, I know that I can go to her for extra assistance. With the help of Madame, I look forward to speaking fluent French sometime in the near future.