Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vandana's First Performance

I remember distinctly the day that I first performed with Vandana, the Indian dance troupe here at Dartmouth. I was a relatively new member-- my crazy fall schedule hadn't allowed me to show up for all the practices, but nonetheless, I was quickly welcomed into the small group.

It was beautiful fall day, and we all met in front of the Hop, and were picked up by members of the local church (where we were performing that day), and were taken to our location. The car ride to the church was interesting-- a few awkward giggles, mumbling, and pleasant conversation. But nothing seemed extraordinary about that day.

When we reached the church we all scrambled for our costumes and began imagining our steps-- anxious to perform well in front of the group. Perhaps most enjoyable about the entire excursion was the home-cooked Indian dinner we received-- and for some, we hadn't had decent Indian food in a while.

After dinner, the finals preparations for the performance were made.... I hadn't performed in a relatively long time, and the excitement was building up inside of me.

'Jai Ho' began playing and my group began to dance. I remember thinking about how magical it was to see a group of girls dance together. I was a girl who was unused to group dancing, and for me, this was amazing. Vandana truly made an impression on me.

Now, a term later, I still practice frequently with Vandana. In fact, today I had practice with Vandana's competitive dance troupe. With four girls and four guys, we are playing to change the way that the campus looks at Indian dance.

Bright new beginnings!