Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Late Night Volleyball

Last night was absolutely amazing. Amidst the frenzy of week two of spring term, my floor decided to take a break from studying to just have fun.

Volleyball in hand, we all made it to the Choates at around 10 p.m. and played a ridiculously fun game of volleyball in the beach court. The night was dark. There were barely any lights, but still we had fun.

Granted, my volleyball skills were lacking, but then again, so were the skills of my floormates!

"Mine!" Amanda runs past me and steals the ball from me once again.... Amanda... Emily serves with the accuracy. Chidi, my roomate, serves, always in my direction, knowing that I won't be able to hit the ball back.

We spent the hour laughing and relaxing....it was definitely a night to remember!