Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Library= My Second Home

There are some days where I essentially spend the entire day at the library. And today is definitely one of those days.

I woke up this morning at 9 o'clock and made my way out the dorm at around 10, ready to do some studying. And aside from the one hour break that I took to go the gym, I've been here.

Although it might sound a little dreary, days like this really make me feel satisfied. I have my first Psychology test on Wednesday, and its slightly reassuring to know that I'm ahead in my studying.

It's days like today when I feel intellectually stimulated. As I sat reading my Psychology textbook, and learning about such things as transcranial magnetic simulation, I am absolutely fascinated. The human body is such an interesting thing-- so interesting in fact, that sitting in the library wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Tomorrow I'll be visiting my second home in the same fashion. And you know what? I'm honestly looking forward to it!