Monday, March 29, 2010

Back at Dartmouth!

I arrived on campus this past Saturday, and I have to say, with complete honesty, that I was looking forward to the moment.

Over break, I began to reconsider what path I wanted to take academically. I had always considered a future in the the workforce-- perhaps as an investment banker. But over break, I seriously began to wonder whether that was truly the path for me.

I decided, nerd that I am, to go to a few of my mother's classes (she's a marketing professor at the University of Texas), just to see what it would be like to become a professor; and what a shock I had.

Never before had a truly considered a career as an academic. And the teaching component is only one small part of the job requirement. The truly fun in becoming an academic is the research.

There are so many opportunities to do research. Furthermore, the kinds of problems that professors consider are truly remarkable. Academia offers a way to really make an impact.

So, with all of this knowledge, I decided to change my plan for the next three years here at Dartmouth. I will still remain an economics major, but I am seriously considering a minor in either math or psychology.

I look forward to working with some professors while I'm here at Dartmouth. Where else can I learn better? After all, I am going to the school ranked number one for undergraduate teaching!